The level of cheating at one of the region?s top universities has been exposed.
Figures from Manchester University show a rise in the number of students caught cheating in recent years. They show female students are more likely to be caught out sneaking answers into exams.
The figures revealed 61 women were caught out between 2005 and 2010, compared to just 30 men.
But the data for the five-year period also says men are the worst culprits overall for flouting rules for exams and coursework ? with students being disciplined for collusion, plagiarism, bad behaviour in exams and other offences.
The university also revealed figures for 2011 which show that 255 students (53 per cent male) faced formal proceedings, compared with just 161 in 2009.
Of the 2011 group, 219 were found guilty and received a range of punishments ranging from formal reprimands, fines or being made to re-do work. In extreme cases, which included graduates who were found guilty after completing their degree, the cheats had their awards stripped away or downgraded.
One case involved four students studying dentistry and medicine-based courses who were hauled before a fitness to practise panel last year after receiving convictions for a criminal offence.
The figures also show more than half of those found guilty of cheating were international students, despite making up only a quarter of the student body.
The rise coincides with a jump in undergraduate numbers at the university, which with nearly 40,000 students is one of Britain?s biggest.
But Richard Cook, editor of student newspaper Mancunion, which broke the cheat story, said he was surprised by the findings.
He said: "I?ve been aware of instances of colluding. It?s easier for students to collaborate on work than to cheat during exam.
"I?ve only heard of a few examples of this, involving people taking in notes or scribbling on their hands. I?m surprised by the fact that more women than men were caught cheating during the exams, although the overall figure shows men are more likely to cheat."
Campus bosses said the problem was small compared to the size of the student population.
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