Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fred Savage baby, holiday shopping and more: Our parenting news roundup

Fred Savage baby announcement, pols Joe Biden and Cory Booker try living like the people by shopping at Costco and going on foodstamps, US birthrates plunge, and ... in the best news for parents child sex abuse crimes drop.

By Stephanie Hanes,?Correspondent / November 30, 2012

Fred Savage Tweeted his baby announcement on Nov. 26. Here, Mr. Savage in Los Angeles, Nov. 29, 2012.

Todd Williamson/Invision for Details Magazine/AP


Fred Savage, of ?Wonder Years? fame, made a cryptic birth announcement via Twitter.?Vice President Joe Biden and Newark, N.J.?Mayor Cory Booker decided this week to go shopping with the people. And new reports show both birth rates and child sexual assaults?are down.

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Stephanie Hanes is the lead writer for Modern Parenthood and a longtime Monitor correspondent. She lives in Andover, Mass. with her husband, Christopher, her daughter, Madeline Thuli, a South Africa Labrador retriever, Karoo, and an imperialist cat named Kipling.

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Yes, it?s time for our Friday parenting news wrap up ? a helpful guide for those of you who might have missed the news, or just spent this week in a post-Turkey (or family gathering) haze.?

The price is right...
If you were a Washington, D.C. parent and had decided Thursday morning to head to Costco to grab a jumbo pack of, I don?t know, Honey Nut Cheerios, you may have well run into fellow shopper Joe Biden. As in, Veep.

Yes, the second in line to the presidency made an appearance at the store?s opening, pushing a shiny, new, extra large cart in order to grab some cookies, kids? clothing, fire logs and ? he?s one of the people, after all ? a new flat screen television.? (He did decline a set of new tires, saying he didn?t drive anymore, but what can you do.)

As The Monitor?s Peter Grier wrote in the Decoder Wire, there are plenty of reasons Mr. Biden might have wanted to do a Costco run, ranging from political reward-giving to promoting urban business development. But we at Modern Parenthood wonder if there?s something more: With the mom vote proving so important this past election, and pundits focusing on the so-called ?Walmart Mom? in particular, maybe Biden wanted to show that he knows how to bargain shop with the best of them.


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